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Grey Kingbird
Grey Kingbird
Juvenile Black faced Grassquit
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelicans
Black Crowned Night Heron
DSC_0005-3 (Custom)
Pelican in flight
Cattle Egret
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Little Blue Heron
Green Heron
Black -crowned Night Heron
Greater Yellowlegs
DSC_0032 (Large)
Black-necked Stilt
Black-necked Stilt
DSC_0064 (Large)
Least Tern
Least Tern
Royal Tern
Laughing Gull
Common Moorhen
White Cheeked Pintail
Lesser Antillean Bullfinch - female
Caribbean Elaenia
Brown Pelican
Yellow Warbler
Antillean Crested Humingbird
Grey Kingbird
DSC05117 (Large)
DSC05085 (Large)

Birds of Antigua

Antigua is home to over 120 species of birds, many of which are unique to the Caribbean region. As well as many resident species Antigua also sees the passage of a variety of migratory species. Antigua is dotted with vast salt ponds , mangroves and dry woodlands creating homes for a diversity of bird life.

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